• Snake venom may treat heart ailments and cancer, finds research

    Updated: 2010-07-31 12:50:28
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  • Chemotherapy Definition 4 AOL Health

    Updated: 2010-07-31 12:34:01
    AOL MAIL Sign In Register AOL Health Main Diseases Conditions ADHD Mens Sexual Health Allergies Obesity Alzheimer's Plastic Surgery Breast Cancer Skin Conditions Cancer Sleep Disorders Cold and Flu Smoking Cessation Diabetes Stroke Depression Stomach Pain Eye Care Women's Sexual Health Heart Disease See All Conditions Family Health Caregiver Support Senior's Health Children's Health Teen Health Men's Health Women's Health Healthy Living Anti Aging Memory Beauty Skincare Relationships Better Body Better Living Sleep Health Dental Health Stress Healthy Eating 30 Days to a Better You Diet Fitness America Takes it Off Experts Celebrity Fitness Diet Success Motivation Drugs Browse Drugs and Supplements Tools BMI Calculator Symptom Checker Compare Medicare Plans Veggie Fruit Tracker Drug

  • Scottish breast screening programme detects 1,500 cases in 2008-09

    Updated: 2010-07-31 12:33:51
    A new report has revealed that the NHS Breast Screening Programme detected nearly 1,500 cases of the disease in 2008-09 in Scotland.

  • Wanted: Art, Poetry and Prose: call for submissions from Ars Medica

    Updated: 2010-07-31 08:14:11
    For all you creative types looking for a suitable outlet for your art, poetry and prose, this call from the respected Canadian journal ARS MEDICA may be just what you’ve been looking for. ARS MEDICA: A Journal of Medicine, The Arts and Humanities is seeking submissions of art work, short fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry by doctors, students, [...]

  • Bone density linked to prostate cancer risk

    Updated: 2010-07-31 01:14:05
    Though the most aggressive prostate cancers are known to afflict bones too, the connection between bone characteristics, prostate cancer development, and its metastasis was still unclear. “We reasoned there may be some difference between men who develop prostate cancer, especially metastatic disease, and those who don’t, and it was logical to see if there was something different about their bones,” study’s lead researcher, Stacy Loeb, a resident in the Department of Urology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine said. Details of the study read more

  • Cancer Research UK launches medicine manufacturing hub for life-saving research

    Updated: 2010-07-30 16:20:33
    Cancer Research UK's Drug Development Office marks the launch of its Biotherapeutics Development Unit (BDU) today with the manufacture of its first product - an antibody for treating a range of cancers.

  • Report shows cost-sharing money not getting through

    Updated: 2010-07-30 16:20:33
    The amount of paperwork that primary care trusts (PCTs) have to fill out in order to be reimbursed for cancer drugs is so great that they may be missing out on millions of pounds, a report suggests.

  • Jul 28, Colonoscopy Preparation

    Updated: 2010-07-28 21:08:03
    You will meet with the doctor before the colonoscopy to discuss the colonoscopy preparation as well as the particulars of how youll get home after the colonoscopy. Youll need a ride because most doctors use...

  • £50m interim fund to improve access to cancer drugs

    Updated: 2010-07-28 13:41:36
    The government has announced a new £50 million fund to improve access to cancer drugs until the new Cancer Drugs Fund comes into effect in April 2011.

  • New molecular marker could predict if breast cancer patients need chemotherapy

    Updated: 2010-07-28 05:10:35
    A new predictive marker which could help doctors to decide whether breast cancer patients would benefit from chemotherapy has been identified by a team of scientists.

  • NICE guideline focuses on care for patients with cancer of unknown primary

    Updated: 2010-07-27 20:30:25
    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has published a new guideline which should help to improve care for thousands of patients with advanced cancer that has spread from an unknown primary location.

  • Careless: Funding long-term care for eldery: Policy Exchange UK

    Updated: 2010-07-27 09:53:59
    Policy Exchange ecently published a report on the potential costs of long-term care for the UK's ageing population.read more

  • “Medicine Unboxed 2010: Stories, Language & Medicine” Cheltenham Saturday 11th October 2010

    Updated: 2010-07-26 14:57:41
    Cheltenham’s ‘Medicine Unboxed’ is a series of conferences for NHS staff, exploring a view of medicine that aspires to more than the technical and which necessarily refers to values, uncertainty and human understanding – to art as much as science. This year, in partnership with the Times Cheltenham Literature Festival, we engage the interface between [...]

  • Huge public support to remove cigarette vending machines and tobacco displays in shops

    Updated: 2010-07-25 06:46:26
    Three quarters of British adults support the removal of shop displays of tobacco (73 per cent) and a complete ban on cigarette vending machines (77 per cent) according to a new survey commissioned by Cancer Research UK this weekend.

  • How To Live With Colon Cancer

    Updated: 2010-07-24 16:04:17
    When your physician first diagnoses you with colon cancer your primary reaction will be one of shock together with a number of other overwhelming feelings. All of a sudden you'll feel just like everything is going to fall apart, and it may appear extremely tricky to keep a positive outlook on your now doubtful future. Everything from family to finances will have you querying and worrying till you eventually reach the point at which you can't take any more. You are not on your one. This mind-bending reaction is characteristic of most cancer patients and is going to be should be anticipated from anybody all of a sudden head to head with their own mortality. The very good news is that there's no real need to be troubling.

  • Young people believe tobacco displays in shops encourage smoking

    Updated: 2010-07-23 14:43:02
    Young people believe 'behind the counter' shop displays of cigarettes encourage smoking and are considered "cool, fun and attractive" according to new research published in Health Promotion Practice.

  • Jul 23, human cancer cell

    Updated: 2010-07-23 01:07:08
    please give me detail of cancer cell in human body

  • Study supports view that painters face higher risk of bladder cancer

    Updated: 2010-07-22 19:05:02
    A new study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has provided further evidence that professional painters may face a higher risk of developing bladder cancer than the general population.

  • Womb cancer cases are highest for over three decades

    Updated: 2010-07-22 03:04:04
    The number of women diagnosed with womb cancer is at its highest for over 30 years according to new figures published today by Cancer Research UK which show more than 7,530 people now* develop the disease each year in the UK.

  • Women's Sexual Health AOL Health

    Updated: 2010-07-21 11:03:08
    AOL MAIL AOL Health Main Diseases Conditions ADHD Mens Sexual Health Allergies Obesity Alzheimer's Plastic Surgery Breast Cancer Skin Conditions Cancer Sleep Disorders Cold and Flu Smoking Cessation Diabetes Stroke Depression Stomach Pain Eye Care Women's Sexual Health Heart Disease See All Conditions Family Health Caregiver Support Senior's Health Children's Health Teen Health Men's Health Women's Health Healthy Living Anti Aging Memory Beauty Skincare Relationships Better Body Better Living Sleep Health Dental Health Stress Healthy Eating 30 Days to a Better You Diet Fitness America Takes it Off Experts Celebrity Fitness Diet Success Motivation Drugs Browse Drugs and Supplements Tools BMI Calculator Symptom Checker Compare Medicare Plans Veggie Fruit Tracker Drug Interaction Checker

  • Privacy Policy About AOL

    Updated: 2010-07-21 11:03:07

  • Study does not prove link between household cleaning products and breast cancer

    Updated: 2010-07-21 11:03:04
    Results of a new US study published today have looked at whether cleaning products are linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. They appear to show that women who say they used such products in the past are more likely to have breast cancer.

  • Treatment reduces dangerous side effects of cancer treatment in children

    Updated: 2010-07-20 19:26:06
    CHILDREN given a hormone growth factor alongside chemotherapy for the aggressive cancer neuroblastoma are less likely to suffer a potentially deadly side-effect, according to a major international study published today (Tuesday) in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

  • The Prune: A Remarkable Natural Laxative

    Updated: 2010-07-17 18:17:37
    The physician who sees a patient with constipation may suggest a first-line treatment that has no medicines. This treatment is known as high fiber therapy, involving increased consumption of fiber rich supplements and foods. Psyllium and bran are two examples of excellent seed-sources of fiber.

  • Jul 16, Cancer Prevention Diet

    Updated: 2010-07-16 23:30:25
    Most people dont realize that the diet you eat can promote or prevent cancer. There are things in your diet that will cause cancer to grow more aggressively and things you can eat that will slow the progression of cancer or stop it from developing altogether. A cancer prevention diet is especially important if you have a family history...

  • Study finds childhood cancer survivors have higher risk of dying years later

    Updated: 2010-07-16 02:43:00
    Childhood cancer survivors may have an increased risk of death from other forms of cancer, cardiac and cerebrovascular causes more than 25 years after their initial illness, UK scientists have found.

  • Gene implicated in spread of HER2 positive breast cancer cells in lab

    Updated: 2010-07-16 02:43:00
    UK scientists have discovered that a gene called C35 can work together with other cancer-promoting genes to drive the growth and invasion of breast cancer cells in the lab.

  • Sir Paul Nurse to lead new UKCMRI

    Updated: 2010-07-15 08:14:55
    Sir Paul Nurse is to become the first director and chief executive of the UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation (UKCMRI), a biomedical research institute planned for central London which will bring together world-class scientists and the latest technology.

  • Cervical cancer vaccine 'may prevent more cases than initially thought'

    Updated: 2010-07-15 00:14:16
    The cervical cancer vaccine could prevent even more cases of the disease in England than previously thought, UK scientists have found.

  • Jul 14, Colon resection statistics

    Updated: 2010-07-14 01:46:33
    What percentage of colon resections result in a colostomy

  • 'Skills Swap' to exploit expertise for patient benefit

    Updated: 2010-07-14 00:12:50
    Cancer Research Technology (CRT) and Medical Research Council Technology (MRCT) will 'swap' medical discoveries to accelerate the translation of early scientific research into patient benefit.

  • Long-term survival from once-deadly cancers doubles

    Updated: 2010-07-12 07:44:57
    People diagnosed with breast, bowel and ovarian cancers and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are today twice as likely to survive for at least 10 years as those diagnosed in the early 1970s according to new figures released by Cancer Research UK.

  • 'Missing silencer' can trigger leukaemia

    Updated: 2010-07-11 23:44:30
    A completely new mechanism that leads to the development of a certain type of leukaemia could eventually be targeted by new treatments, according to research published in Nature Immunology today (Sunday).

  • The Efficacy Of Natural Treatments For Constipation

    Updated: 2010-07-11 18:39:36
    The condition of being constipated is endemic to the population of most countries with an incidence rate pegged at about 15%. Most of the people who are afflicted make no attempt to treat, and even less ask for advice or help from a health services figure. This is understandable as the condition is somewhat embarrassing, which explains the general reluctant to report to physicians.

  • Men with faulty BRCA2 gene have estimated 1-in-15 chance of breast cancer by age 70

    Updated: 2010-07-08 21:43:41
    Men who carry a faulty version of the BRCA2 gene have an estimated one-in-15 chance of developing breast cancer by the time they reach 70, British scientists have found.

  • New drug for inherited breast and ovarian cancers shows promise in early trials

    Updated: 2010-07-07 21:42:23
    Olaparib, a new type of experimental drug called a PARP inhibitor, has shown promising results against inherited forms of breast and ovarian cancer in two small clinical trials led by scientists at the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research Unit at King's College London.

  • Bowel cancer screening test 'may be less accurate in summer'

    Updated: 2010-07-07 21:42:23
    A new study suggests that the test used in the Italian national bowel cancer screening programme may be less likely to spot cancerous changes in summer than it is in winter.

  • Jul 7, Breathing problems and coughing problems after having colon surgery

    Updated: 2010-07-07 14:20:52
    After my nan has had surgery, she has been coughing a lot and her breathing is not good. She is getting very ill because of it how should she control it?

  • Teenagers get sunburnt on purpose

    Updated: 2010-07-06 20:32:47
    More than a quarter of teenagers will get sunburnt on purpose this summer in the belief that they will ultimately get a suntan, a survey has found.

  • DIYers urged to be asbestos aware

    Updated: 2010-07-06 20:32:47
    A new survey has highlighted the need for Britons to improve their awareness of asbestos - a building material that was banned in the UK in 1999 after scientists discovered its link to a number of lung diseases, including cancer.

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